Am Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2018 20:09:02 CET schrieb d_hewlett 
> The package 18.04 for UBUNTU is simply unusable.  I have used LYX 
> for many years with success and without any problems - finding it easy & most 
> pleasant to use. I have dozens of LYX files, Two i use a lot I have problems 
> with (maybe with others too!). Other users had this problem too and I was 
> recommended to install an earlier version. I chose the suggested 'artful' 
> version. 2.3.1-2 and installed it successfully. This has partially worked. It 
> displays now most of my .lyx files properly (but not all) It seems i can 
> modify those that display but i cannot output them in anyway! neither to 
> printer nor PDF format (which i prefer) for example It told me i would need 
> book.cls and scrbook.cls - i found these are  apparently covered by 
>, which i have downloaded, but i have no idea how to install it 
> - your doc is far too complicated for me - more interested in what its all 
> about rather than installation!. It also told me i would need fancyhdr.sty & 
> enumitem.sty which i cannot find so far.  Please. Can someone tell me (a 
> layman) simply how to find & install these missing items. Alternatively If i 
> have installed the wrong LYX version or please tell me? Alternatively  if 
> UBUNTU is the problem - (which i am finding difficult to use with their now 
> very limited availability of packages for installation) - now no longer 
> suitable? I had tried UBUNTU but was forced to revert to KUBUNTU (which i 
> achieved with dogged determination and days of effort) but i'm still having 
> problems installing what i need. i'm guessing that i cannot be the only one 
> in these difficulties. Best Regards, David Hewlett. .

Try to install 'apt-file' package. Then initialize it with
        $ apt-file update
Now you are able to search for packages like
        $ apt-file find scrbook.cls
==> texlive-latex-recommended: 

So, you have to install
        $ sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended

This is on ubuntu 16.04, but it should work the same on ubuntu 18.04


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