Hello Thomas,

when I open KMM and check >Help > About KMyMoney it says
KMyMoney Version 5.0.0, Libraries KDE Frameworks 5.42.0, Qt 5.9.4 (built against 5.9.3)

However, according to the Control Center of my Mageia6 x86_64 installation I have Version 5.0.1 installed

No idea whether or not this is of any relevance to the problem that I believe!? to have reported some time ago:

The correct conversion rate EURO : IDR = 1 : 16417
and accordingly
the correct conversion rate IDR : EURO = 0,00006091... : 1

But in KMM Online Quotes as at today I see : Price found: '619954' (619945)
while 0,00006199... would be correct.

Not a real problem for somewhat experienced users of KMM and I could live on with it, just not so nice ;-)

Thanks for this great program,

Michael Berger

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