On 29-Jan-19 9:14 AM, Daniel wrote:
> If I read the documentations for \AtBeginDocument correctly, it places 
> the macro just before \begin{document}. Is your .tex test file working 
> as expected when you move your macro manually to whatever position you 
> think it should be moved? If not then the problem might be the macro 
> rather than LyX.
> Daniel
The macro works fine if I place it to the required location manually (I 
have sent the LaTeX file in the first e-mail for the record).
The loading sequence of the packages should be like the following 
according the BibLaTeX, which works as expected:

**Misc Packages**
\usepackage[style=authoryear, maxcitenames=2]{biblatex}

%%%% Macro %%%%
   references = {{Kaynaklar}},
   and = {ve},
   andothers ={ve diğerleri},
%%%% End Macro %%%%


Unfortunately, LyX does not do this format as you have mentioned and 
wrapping with macro to place at the beginning of the document does not work.


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