Den 12.05.2019 18:22, skrev Paul Smith:
Dear All,

I have a large document where I have many lines that are only


Now, I want to insert all lines between two consecutive lines of @@
into a minipage. Can one do that automatically and not one by one?

Not to my knowledge, no.

Advanced search & replace lets you search for and/or replace stuff that isn't only normal text. So you can replace an image with another. You can search for & replace math formulas. You may also replace "@@" with a minipage.

But if I understand correctly, you want to search for:





and have it replaced with:

---start minipage--



---end minipage--

And you want this to happen several times through your document, where the exact contents of "some lines" vary. This is not possible.  You may only search for fixed content, not variable. So you can search for





But such a search will only match exactly, you can't get it to also match





And I guess that is what you wanted?

LyX lets you mark "some lines", you can then Insert->Box->Simple Frame and get your lines inside a minipage. And then repeat this mark & insert operation for all other occurences.

If you want to automate this, consider taking advantage of the fact that a LyX file is a kind of text file. Software that deals with text (sed, awk, or many others) may be able to do what you want. And if there are hundreds of cases, writing a one-off program to do this may pay off. (Pay off in that it may be faster than editing it all by hand.)  Otherwise, or if you aren't into programming, just edit manually.

Helge Hafting

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