On 5/28/19 9:57 AM, M.B. Schiekel wrote:
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Am 27.05.19 um 23:15 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
... Now I would like to have a biography at the end of each part
- but each time the complete document biography, and not the
part dependent biography. Might be this is trivial, but I can't
see it. Any hint is wellcome. Thank you very much, bernhard
Dear Paul,

thank you for your answer, and well, you are right :-)
I assume here that "biography" --> "bibliography".
The next paragraph of your answer highlights my problem:
/If/ every entry in the .bib file is cited somewhere (so that you
want the full contents of the .bib file in each part), you might
try the following: ...
My .bib file is a bib-database of all my different papers, books, ....
So \btPrintAll seems not to be a very good idea :-)

Vaguely I remember, that many years ago Herbert Voss, our LaTeX-guru,
suggested exporting the document-bibliography at the end and in a
second run importing it after after part 1 and part 2. How to manage thi

Might be a workaround for my wishes would be a part-based bibliography
after each part /plus/ a document-bibliography at the end of part 3.
Is this possible?

Any suggestions? Again thank you very much!

You might have a look at https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/41821/creating-bib-file-containing-only-the-cited-references-of-a-bigger-bib-file, particularly if you use (or are willing to use JabRef). The approach would be along the following lines:

1. Do a sectioned bibliography without using my hack. This will
   generate a file with only a partial bibliography in each part (which
   is fine for now).
2. Use the .aux file created by that to extract all entries cited
   anywhere in your paper (and only those entries) to a new .bib file,
   applying one of the methods in the StackExchange thread.
3. Switch to the new .bib file in all sections of your paper, then add
   my hack in the preamble.


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