I currently use Linux Mint 18.3. Recently I upgraded to LyX using the PPA available at
http://ppa.launchpad.net/lyx-devel/release/ubuntu xenial main

Since this upgrade there have been problems with the display of EPS and PDF graphics files in the main LyX editor window, and with the export of files containing PNG and JPEG bitmap images.

These problems are not evident with LyX on Windows 10, nor were they present with LyX 2.3.3 on Linux Mint 18.3.


1. When including a graphic with either EPS or PDF format, the graphic is not displayed in the main LyX editor window, but instead there is an outline box with the EPS or PDF filename, and below it the error message: Error converting to loadable format.

The graphic does appear correctly in a PDF file exported using either ps2pdf or pdflatex.

2. When including a graphic with PNG or JPEG format, the graphic is displayed correctly in the main LyX editor window, but when attempting to export the LyX file to Postscript, PDF (using ps2pdf), or even just plain LaTeX, an error pop-up window appears with the title:
LyX: Cannot convert file
and the message:
No information for converting png format files to eps. Define a converter in the preferences or No information for converting jpg format files to eps. Define a converter in the preferences.

The PNG and JPEG graphics do appear correctly in a PDF file exported using pdflatex, but attempting to export with ps2pdf fails.

When exporting the Progress Log window shows the following messages for a graphic in PNG format:

python -tt "/usr/share/lyx/scripts/convertDefault.py" png "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.png" eps "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps" convert: not authorized `eps:/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps' @ error/constitute.c/WriteImage/1028. /usr/share/lyx/scripts/convertDefault.py ERROR Execution of "convert" failed.support/Systemcall.cpp (276): Systemcall: 'python -tt "/usr/share/lyx/scripts/convertDefault.py" png "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.png" eps "/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.fGfmcihv6288/lyx_tmpbuf0/2_home_graeme_Documents_GraphicsTestCircle.eps"' finished with exit code 1
Error: Cannot convert file

I get similar messages for a graphic file in JPEG format.

My suspicion is that BOTH the problems above may be linked to the use of ImageMagick within convertDefault.py, but I am puzzled by the warning message
"convert: not authorized"
in the fragment above, suggesting it may be something to do with file or folder permissions. However, this does not explain why everything seemed to work OK with LyX 2.3.3 on Mint 18.3

On Mint 18.3 the system-wide installation of ImageMagick is:
ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 x86_64 2019-11-12

On Windows 10, the LyX2.3.4.3 installer comes bundled with a later version:
ImageMagick 7.0.9-19 Q16 x86 2020-01-26
which explicitly lists built-in support for gslib and ps, but ImageMagick 6 does not list these among its "Delegates".

I would welcome advice on how to fix these problems.


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