That seemed to be the case, thanks for confirming.
Is your patch on github? I have time now due to current events and could
take a look at finishing it.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2020, 9:19 AM Richard Kimberly Heck <>

> On 3/26/20 8:55 PM, Matt Barnard wrote:
> Sure, see attached. Adjusting the LyX numbering like this is something
> I've found myself wanting to do a number of times.
> Yes, the only to fix this in LyX itself would be with some LaTeX trickery
> of the sort you describe below. There's not currently any way to manipulate
> LyX's counters within the text itself. I have a partial patch that will do
> this kind of thing but haven't had time to finish it.
> Riki
> Example (attached)
>> \setcounter{part}{9}
>> Part 10 My document starts on Part 10
>> 1 with one section
>> \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{*By the way,}*By the way,
>> This chapter is an aside, but it needs to be at the Part level in the ToC
>> \setcounter{part}{9}
>> Part 11 then we continue with Part 10
>> 2 but LyX says this is Part 11
> Note that I resolved this for now using the following:
> \newcounter{previouschapter}
>> \newcounter{previoussection}
>> \newcounter{uniquechapteranchor}
>> \newcommand{\pushchapter}{%
>>   \let\previouschaptertitle\parttitle%
>   \setcounter{previouschapter}{\value{part}}%
>>   \setcounter{previoussection}{\value{section}}%
>> }
>> \newcommand{\popchapter}{%
>>   \renewcommand*{\theHpart}{\value{uniquechapteranchor}\the\value{part}}
>> % for hyperref
>   \chapt{\value{previouschapter}}                                   %
>> shorthand for \setcounter{part}{n-1}
>>   \part{\previouschaptertitle~(cont.)}%
>>   \sect{\value{previoussection}}%
>>   \stepcounter{section}%
>>   \stepcounter{uniquechapteranchor}%
>> }
> and then
>> \part{Real  part  }
> \pushchapter
>> \part*{Interrupting part}
> \popchapter % output a new part, but don't start a new part in LyX
> \section{this is in real  part}
> LyX continues numbering with the previous part even though I write a new
> part in the output
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 4:57 PM Richard Kimberly Heck <>
> wrote:
>> On 3/26/20 4:16 PM, Matt Barnard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm interrupting a numbered chapter with an unnumbered chapter, and I
>> would like to continue sections within that previous numbered chapter. I've
>> done this on the output side with \setcounter{part}, but in LyX the
>> chapter number is still incremented.
>> I've fixed this for the first instance using the local layout
>> Counter part
>> InitialValue 12
>> End
>> but I haven't found a way to give LyX a command mid-document to adjust
>> numbering.
>> Is this currently supported?
>> I'm not sure I entirely understand the issue. Can you post a very simple
>> example file?
>> Riki
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