There was an error delivering mail to Andre, so I am replaying to list.

Your message was: 
Now I tried to execute in the terminal with a csl-file (all in the same 
directory) after having created a tex-file: pandoc -s --filter pandoc-citeproc 
--csl sociology.csl -f latex -o mydocument.docx -t docx Test.tex 
Then an error message appears: [WARNING] Deprecated: pandoc-citeproc filter. 
Use --citeproc instead. pandoc-citeproc: Error in $: Incompatible API versions: 
encoded with [1,22] but attempted to decode with [1,17,5,4]. CallStack (from 
HasCallStack): error, called at ./Text/Pandoc/JSON.hs:111:48 in 
pandoc-types- Error running 
filter pandoc-citeproc: Filter returned error status 1 
When I just use citeproc: pandoc -s --filter citeproc --csl sociology.csl -f 
latex -o mydocument.docx -t docx Test.tex cx -t docx Test.tex Error running 
filter citeproc: Could not find executable citeproc

I know nothing about the source of the first error, second error is because you 
not included -- before citeproc, so command should be: pandoc -s --filter 
--citeproc --csl sociology.csl -f latex -o mydocument.docx -t docx Test.tex 

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