> On 2020-11-25 21:22 , Hal Kierstead wrote:
>>> All -
>>> Is there a way to enter the following code in LyX without ERT:
>>> \begin{enumerate}
>>> \item 
>>> \begin{enumerate}
>>> \item a
>>> \item b
>>> \end{enumerate}
>>> \item 2
>>> \end{enumerate}
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hal
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Dr Eberhard W Lisse <nos...@lisse.na>
>> Subject: Re: No first line in double enumeration
>> Date: November 26, 2020 at 4:51:43 AM MST
>> To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>> RTFM,
>> the TAB button is your friend.
>> el

> To add a bit more: This is what "Increase List Depth" does. Find it on
> the edit menu.

> Riki-- 
> lyx-users mailing list
> lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users

Thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately they do not address my issue. I 
want the secondary enumeration to start on the first line of the primary 
enumeration. It works in LaTex.

I tried the tab button first. The problem is that LyX does not like empty 
lines. I can use a hard space for the first item, but then I get an empty line 
of output that I do not want. If I erase the hard space in LyX and then 
preview, I get what I want, but as soon as I move the cursor to I new 
paragraph, LyX replaces the empty line with \item a .


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