Am 02.02.21 um 11:50 schrieb Guenter Milde:
On 2021-02-02, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
Exporting to pdf I get this error:
Missing character: There is no ^^99 in font
I am on Debian, non tex fonts.
I guess I should change to another font, but don't know which one. Any

Have a look which characer in the document is responsible (evt. deleting
or commenting part by part).
It may also be an unprintable character that somehow crept in.

If it is something like Greek or some other non-latin character, you should
switch to a font with wider coverage than LatinModern. Which one depends on
the side conditions like used packages or math content, personal taste,
type/audience of the document, ... Debian provides a wide range of free fonts.


Thanks Günter,

this sign slipped into my document while copying something from an external source
it either meant ~ or --, not sure, and I don't know whether it is correctly shown in this mail.
Anyway, your advice helped.

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