On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Rich Shepard wrote:

I'm getting different errors in the whole file. Will explore that error
log before asking for fresh eyeballs.


Well, this last one stymies me. The displayed LyX error is attached. The
jabref.bib file entry follows:

        abstract = {Selected organic components in samples collected from 
monitoring wells
        and from surface water are shown to follow definite areal, vertical,
        and temporal trends in concentrations. Atrazine 
        alachlor (2-chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-[methoxymethyl]acetanilide) and
        were measured in 64, 35, and 35 water samples, respectively. The
        atrazine amounts ranged from < 0.01 to 88 ug/liter. Peak concentrations
        were observed in shallow well water downgradient from irrigated fields
        at the end of the irrigation season. The areal and vertical 
        of atrazine are closely associated with those of nitrate-nitrogen
        (NO3-N), which was measured as an indicator of deep percolation from
        irrigated croplands. However, temporal variations in atrazine 
        suggest that it is a non-conservative constituent of ground water.
        Alachlor and dieldrin amounts were extremely low, being less than
        0.1 ug/liter in all but one water sample which was taken from a well
        located in an excessively well-drained area. Dissolved organic carbon
        (DOC) was measured in 95 water samples and the amounts ranged from
        0.2 to 4.8 mg/liter. Maximum occurred in shallow wells and there
        were no seasonal assocation with either atrazine or NO3-N. The DOC
        data suggest percolation from the unsaturated zone and partial removal
        from solution during vertical transport through the saturated zone.},
        author = {Junk, G.A. and Spalding, R.F. and Richard, J.J.},
        journal = {Journal of Environmental Quality},
        keywords = {pesticides, ground water, DOC, water quality, atrazine, 
alachlor, nitrate nitrogen, suface water, organic},
        number = {3},
        pages = {479--483},
        title = {{Areal, vertical, and temporal differences in ground water 
chemistry: II. Organic constituents}},
        volume = {9},
        year = {1980}
} ----->8----

I replaced the n-dash in the pages which seems to be the problem but it's
not making a difference. Perhaps I need to close jabref and lyx and try
again. If you see something I've missed please let me know.

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