We figured it out off line.

We downloaded the file with wget and that got us pure MarkDown, which
was very amendable to pandoc conversion.

I wrote a 15 line template file, or rather pruned the standard one to
the minimum required to work, ie using Komascript and Listings (plus
Landscape) and that did the trick very well.

10 Minutes of work.

greetings, el

On 16/06/2021 22:47, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
On 6/16/21 4:12 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Using R is a little overkill in my view, but if it works it works

It's a bit indirect, but for users of the RStudio IDE, you just open
RStudio, open the .md file and click the "Knit to PDF" toolbar button
and you're done (unless you don't like the way the PDF turned out).
In my case, it would save having to look up the command syntax.


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