Am 08.07.21 um 14:22 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 08.07.21 um 13:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

What would be recommended to get familiar with the handling of the biblatex references? I used to use spbasic.bst from Springer Publisher modified slightly to show maximally 3 authors only.

that is an authoryear style

Is this style available for biblatex/biber?

add the optional arguments


to biblatex


Thanks again, Herbert.
I don't want to bother you and others too much,
but there are more details, e.g.
the name should be Name, P (P for prename, only first character shown without point
At the moment it is e.g. prename name or name prename or name P etc
Thats the reason I would like a ref for biblatex.

The biblatex Programmable Bibliographies by Philip Kime, Moritz Wemheuer, Philipp Lehman
but its a bit overkill.


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