On 9/6/21 6:36 PM, Lorenzo Bertini wrote:
> Hello list!
> LyXHTML outputs standard paragraphs with  a <div>...</div> (as is the
> standard for many insets), but i would much prefer <p>...</p>.
> I know i can change the tag of other insets by going in the local
> layout section of Document->Setting, and write something like
>> InsetLayout Foot
>>   HTMLTag p
>> End
> but i cant find anything about the standard paragraph. I don't mean
> the "sectioning" paragraph, that is mapped to "HTMLTag h5", but the
> piece of text you get after pressing RET in LyX.

It's a paragraph layout: Standard. See stdclass.inc.

But yes, at the moment, that is hardcoded. The reason is that the tag
turns up inside other tags and nested <p>'s are invalid. But it probably
should be made customizable.


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