Am Tue, 16 Nov 2021 08:59:57 +0100
schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann <>:

> I have two graphics next to each other in one figure float, both as .png 
> (obtained from pnm files which I got by scanning photographs). The pdf 
> file shows the figures with a large gap between them, although I did not 
> insert a horizontal space between them.
> If I export the lyx file (which has 7.5kB) as a tar.gz, this file has 
> 53.8 MiB. The size of the graphics are about 180 and 170
> kB
> What is wrong with the graphics? Do I miss an additional program for 
> converting the graphic type?
> I could provide the lyx and figures if somebody wants to check it.
> Wolfgang

I would try first
 $ tar atvf tar.gz
to see the original sizes.


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