RTFM of the LaTeX Listings package

I would use a single word for the label or separate ords with ':' ie
something like first:program. If that's the culprit, we should file an
improvement request (ie checking for spaces from within LyX).

Generally speaking attaching a MWE is very helpful, ie the document
without ANY changes to the default and ONLY the code required to
trigger the issue.

Often constructing this lets me find the issue myself :-)-O

On huge documents this is of course very difficult, but then halving
the document successively until one finds the area causing the issue


On 12/01/2022 14:22, Joseph Hesse via lyx-users wrote:
I am writing a programing book and want to have programs that have
been prepared with a text editor included in the book.  This is what I
have done so far.

Insert->File->Child Document

File: CodeListings/Test.cpp
Include Type: Program Listing
Caption: My Caption
Label: First Program

More Parameters: numbers=left, frame=tb, caption=b, float

It sort of works but I need assistance.
The caption I have set above does not appear on the bottom as
"caption=b" would suggest.
The label I have set above does not appear anywhere.

I would like the text of the inserted program to have "typewriter"
font and be colored green.  How do I do this.

Am I on the right track, is the above the correct way of doing what I

Thank you,
Joe Hesse

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