loading another file gives
/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.PrXtIVAGvvMT/Buffer_convertLyXFormatetZcbC.lyx ist kein lesbares LyX-Dokument.
Must inquire why. Perhaps remove the tmpdir?

Must inquire why. Perhaps remove the tmpdir?
error occurs again after removing it and trying the lyx file again

The terminal message is
kf.kio.widgets.kdirmodel: No node found for item that was just removed: QUrl("file:///home/wolfgang/A-screenshot.png")
Warning: 609: Format not supported.
Warning: Quitting.
Error: Dokumentformat-Fehler

I found that the /tmp is

drwx------ 3 wolfgang wolfgang 4096  1. Mär 08:46 lyx_tmpdir.eHwFXSFnsYFN

so I chmod 01777 tmp

drwxrwxrwt  20 root root     20480  1. Mär 08:45 tmp

However, not all are behaving as requested:

drwx------ 2 wolfgang wolfgang 4096  1. Mär 08:51 lyx_tmpdir.EyjIjarOKRSY
drwxr-xr-x 2 wolfgang wolfgang 4096  1. Mär 08:06 plasma-csd-generator
srwxr-xr-x 1 wolfgang wolfgang    0  1. Mär 08:06 qtgnuplot1523
srwxr-xr-x 1 wolfgang wolfgang    0  1. Mär 08:06 qtgnuplot1531
srwxr-xr-x 1 wolfgang wolfgang    0  1. Mär 08:06 qtgnuplot1540
srwxr-xr-x 1 wolfgang wolfgang    0  1. Mär 08:06 qtgnuplot1545
srwx------ 1 sddm     sddm        0  1. Mär 08:06 sddm-:0-hFwGqk
srwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 1. Mär 08:06 sddm-authbbb8f548-a897-4f60-912f-e9c56930a52f
drwx------ 2 wolfgang wolfgang 4096  1. Mär 08:06 ssh-64kE5fC6h87Y
drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-apache2.service-xEMrii drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-colord.service-VjRHug drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-haveged.service-V2Zbkf drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-ModemManager.service-NZRcNh drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-switcheroo-control.service-tpFf2i drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:30 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-syncthing@wolfgang.service-CXlFsh drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-systemd-logind.service-5GOlKi drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-systemd-timesyncd.service-Uf8zQi drwx------ 3 root root 4096 1. Mär 08:06 systemd-private-31b5aaa2ee4b42e58d464935daed939a-upower.service-d8iysh drwx------ 2 wolfgang wolfgang 4096 1. Mär 08:06 Temp-8f4194ff-4e50-451d-b046-9b133a0e1140
-rw------- 1 wolfgang wolfgang   49  1. Mär 08:06 xauth-1000-_0

and so also the lyx:
drwx------ 2 wolfgang wolfgang 4096  1. Mär 08:51 lyx_tmpdir.EyjIjarOKRSY

However, an earlier lyx file which works, is also

so that can't be the reason.

I noticed also, that in lyx only those files are shown under
File > Open Recent
which were created before the disaster.

Thanks for any hint


Glad that lyx is now showing its normal appearance. Thanks for help and patience, especially Kornel and Jürgen

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