Le 17/04/2022 à 20:00, tush via lyx-users a écrit :
I have a big block of tex commands (about 80 lines in length) that set up theorem environments using the |amsthm|​ and |thmtools|​ packages.

To this bunch of tex commands there is also a corresponding LyX module that defines the theorems in the editor (paragraph styles, section 5.3.7 in the customization manual).

I want to avoid this 80 lines code block in my document preamble. It clutters the document structure.

In your module, each of your theorems can be associated to its own preamble, that will only be incorporated when needed. It is also possible to specify with DependsOn that a style needs the preamble of another one.

With this, you could make sure that only the required code gets included.

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