On Friday 11 May 2001 18:06, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Try Edit/Reconfigure and restart LyX. 
Attached you shall find my conf files.

### This file is part of
### ========================================================
###          LyX, The Document Processor
###          Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
###          Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team.
### ========================================================

# This file is written by LyX, if you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save

# MISC SECTION ######################################

# Set to false to inhibit the startup banner.
\show_banner false
#\kbmap_primary "/usr/share/lyx/kbd/czech-y.kmap"

# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################

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# COLOR SECTION ###################################

# PRINTER SECTION ###################################

\print_spool_command "lpr"
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# EXPORT SECTION ####################################

# TEX SECTION #######################################

# FILE SECTION ######################################

\document_path "/home/matej/docs/"
\num_lastfiles 9

# ASCII EXPORT SECTION ##############################

\ascii_roff_command "groff -t -Tlatin2 $$FName"

# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ##############################

\spell_command "aspell"
\use_escape_chars true
\escape_chars "áÁäÄčČďĎéÉěĚëËíÍľĽĺĹňŇóÓôÔöÖřŘšŕŔŠťŤúÚůŮüÜýÝžŽ"
\use_personal_dictionary true
\personal_dictionary ".aspell.czech"
\use_input_encoding true

# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ##########################

\language_auto_begin false
\language_auto_end false

# 2nd MISC SUPPORT SECTION ##########################

\override_x_deadkeys false
\screen_font_encoding_menu "iso8859-2"

# FORMATS SECTION ##########################

\viewer "pdf" "gv"
\viewer "pdf2" "gv"
\viewer "ps" "gv"
\viewer "word" "wvHtml"

# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################

\converter "ps" "pdf" "ps2pdf $$i $$o" ""
\converter "word" "html" "wvHthml $$i > $$o" ""
# This file has been automatically generated by LyX' lib/configure
# script. It contains default settings that have been determined by
# examining your system. PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING HERE! If you
# want to customize LyX, make a copy of the file LYXDIR/lyxrc as
# ~/.lyx/lyxrc and edit this file instead. Any setting in lyxrc will
# override the values given here.
\Format text      txt   ASCII           A
\Format textparagraph txt ASCII(paragraphs)     ""
\Format docbook  sgml   DocBook         B
\Format dvi       dvi   DVI             D
\Format eps       eps   EPS             ""
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\Format html      html  HTML            H
\Format jpg      jpg    JPEG            ""
\Format latex     tex   LaTeX           L
\Format linuxdoc sgml   LinuxDoc        x
\Format lyx      lyx    LyX             ""
\Format literate nw     NoWeb           N
\Format pdf       pdf   PDF             P
\Format pdf2      pdf  "PDF (pdflatex)" F
\Format png       png   PNG             ""
\Format ps        ps    Postscript      t
\Format program  ""     Program         ""
\Format word      doc   Word            W

\converter latex dvi "latex $$i" "latex"
\converter latex pdf2 "pdflatex $$i" "latex"
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\converter linuxdoc dvi "none" ""
\converter linuxdoc html "none" ""
\converter docbook dvi "none" ""
\converter docbook html "none" ""

\converter latex lyx "reLyX -f $$i" ""
\converter literate lyx "noweb2lyx $$i $$o" ""
\converter html latex "none" ""
\converter word latex "wvCleanLatex $$i $$o" ""

\converter gif eps "convert $$i $$o" ""
\converter png eps "convert $$i $$o" ""
\converter jpg eps "convert $$i $$o" ""
\converter gif png "convert $$i $$o" ""

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\viewer html "netscape"
\viewer pdf "acroread"
\viewer ps "gv -swap"
\viewer eps "gv"

\ps_command "gs"
\ascii_roff_command "groff -t -Tlatin1 $$FName"
\chktex_command "chktex -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -n22 -n25 -n30 -n38"
\spell_command "ispell"
\print_spool_command "lp"
\print_spool_printerprefix "-d "
\font_encoding "T1"

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