On Wed, 30 Nov 2022, Udicoudco wrote:

DId you use \chapter* for the preface title? The starred version does not
affect headers. I saw in the preamble that you sent that you use
\pagenumbering{roman}, I'm guessing that means you are unaware of the
\frontmatter, \mainmatter, \backmatter commands.


It's been 17 years since I last wrote a book for publication and I've
forgotten about using \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \backmatter.

These macros are usually defined in book document classes. The purpose of
\frontmatter is to make the pages numbered in lower case roman numerals,
and the chapters to be unnumbered (even the unstarred version), but the
chapters (using \chapter not \chapter*) will appear in in the ToC and will
change \chaptermark as usual.

Yep. That did the trick. Now Preface's second page has Preface in the header
and the Introduction is still Chapter 1. Thank you.



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