I use windows10. I naively thought that with version 2.4 it was now possible to 
activate the dark theme. But I can't find anything like that... Is there 
something I missed?
In addition, the color options (see attachment. Not terrible, especially with 
the mathematical macros in edit mode) that I use with 3.7 do not seem to work 
with this latest V2.4.

Failing a possible "activation", could someone share their "2.4 dark theme" 
color option file ? 

A big thank you to the entire development team for this absolutely great tool! 
# COLOR SECTION ###################################

\set_color "cursor" "#ffaa00"
\set_color "background" "#262728"
\set_color "foreground" "#d4d7d6"
\set_color "selection" "#646496"
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\set_color "graphicsbg" "#FFFFFF"
\set_color "math" "#00ffff"
\set_color "mathbg" "#737679"
\set_color "mathmacrobg" "#ffffff"
\set_color "mathmacroframe" "#50504f"
\set_color "mathmacroblend" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "mathmacronewarg" "#A6E22E"
\set_color "mathframe" "#00ffff"
\set_color "mathcorners" "#262728"
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\set_color "insetframe" "#262728"
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\set_color "buttonhoverbg" "#ffffff"
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\set_color "previewframe" "#A6E22E"
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