On Tue, 15 May 2001 18:12:16 -0300 (BRST) wrote Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes 

> I have to replace a regular expression in my thesis. But when i tried:
> edit --> search/replace

do you really mean a _regular_ expression? (Something like fo.+l for foil
and fojl and forumlautl and ...?) As far as I know, LyX search/replace
doesnot work with regular expressions. 

> I found out that I  can't type any kind of accents, and this expression
> has an aacute {a}. In terms of lyx codes (extracted form my doc's source
> file) this expression  should be something like:
> est\i \'{a}
> gios

Do you have the accent on the keybord? (For me, inputting umlaut-keys (äöü)
works fine, but it does not work when I use the "Compose-Key ´ a" sequence.)

However, marking the word in the Text with the mouse, pressing ^C and then
inserting with Middle-Click inserts the correct word and also finds it.

Another workaround would be to save the file, do the replacement action in a
"normal" text editor and do Datei|Wiederherstellen (File|Recover) to load it
again. This is how I do replacements in math-boxes.

> I'm working under lyx 1.1.3

Tested with lyx 1.1.6 under KDE1



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