Am 05.04.23 um 13:05 schrieb Patrick Dupre:
Am 05.04.23 um 12:22 schrieb Patrick Dupre:
Which my configuration I need really need to run
export Latex (plain); latex ; bibtex ; latex ; dvipdf -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY
You never told us _why_ do you need the dvi route and cannot use
pdflatex or one of the newer engines??
Because, it just do not work with pstricks

Except of pst-text I run _all_ examples with lualatex and get directly
my PDF. Only for some functions which needs heavy calculations, the
old dvi route is faster.

run with lualatex

\DocumentMetadata{}%   delete the line for old TeXlive before 2020

\begin{pspicture} (0,0)(10,5)
    1 x div GAMMA 4 x mul sub x 1 add GAMMA div abs }


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