On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 8:33 AM Andreas Plihal via lyx-users <
lyx-users@lists.lyx.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a KOMA script book. It contains over a hundred graphics. One
> graphic is particularly complex and I've been working on it for several
> weeks. I drew about 50 curves in it, all of which are made point by point
> according to a complicated scheme:
>    \draw [color=Gray] (0,1) -- (1,2) -- (2,3) -- (3,4);
> This has always worked very well so far. But a few days ago I suddenly
> got an error message.
>    Package tikz Error: Giving up on this path. Did you forget a semicolon?
> I have largely isolated the error (I am attaching the associated file). Now
> I'm faced with the fact that the error is apparently caused by the color
> names (RubineRed, Gray etc.) that I've been using without any problems for
> over a year! What is suddenly going on in the LYX/LATEX world?
> Andreas
> --
> lyx-users mailing list
> lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users


I'm not sure what's happening from your side, but if I disable the fonts
you have and change "Gray" to "gray", then the line renders for me.

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