On Tue, 7 May 2024, Brian Kneller via lyx-users wrote:

I have tried clipping graphics to remove white spaces and centre it on the
page. I have been unable to find a detailed  description as to how it
should be done. From my experience I have assumed the zero in the bottom
LHS of the graphic to which a pair of coordinates and associated and
likewise the is another pair on the top RHS. I centre the graphic
horizontally by changing the “x” values on the clipping  entries and this
seems to be quite easy the vertical parameters (y) are more difficult to
adjust. I am finding the outcome of adjustments is difficult to predict
making trimming time consuming. How does the presentation logic respond to
changes in clipping values I suspect the float function interacts with
this?. All my figures are one page high so I really don’t need to float
(?) 1-  would suppressing floating help and if so what is best way ?


Perhaps I'm not understanding your issues, so take my comments with this
thought in mind.

When I insert a figure I use the 'insert figure float' icon to open a figure
window. In the caption window I add a label then the caption text. When
done, I use the trackball to set the cursor above the caption. Pressing
Alt-A C centers the cursor in the figure window and that's where I click the
'insert graphics' icon.

Browsing to the figure's location (usually an 'images' subdirectory in the
project's directory tree) I select the figure. When inserted I use
ctrl-shift s to save the figure.

Now I can trim excess space surrounding the image to be seen in the complied
report. Right-clicking on the image itself brings up the settings option.
Clicking on that I select the 'Coordinates' tab and, by trial-and-error
adjust the x and y values until the excess white space (or other unwanted
content) is removed. While doing this I use 'Apply' button instead of the
'Save' button so I can continue trimming until satisfied.



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