I think people on this list will be in a better situation than me to
answer to Peter's questions.


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Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 19:17:12 +1000
From: Peter D Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PROBLEMS with REVTEX on: LyX 1.1.6fix2

Hi Guys -

first off - thanks for the great program!! Lyx is really
improving, especially the 1.1.6, which has some terrific
features. Also, the latest release even installs on
Tru64 (which 1.1.6fix1 couldn't).

However, I have a  problem with the latest release -
I can't get it to compile my REVTEX papers! These are the
old REVTEX (PHYS. REV still didn't officially release
the new version).

The problem is that as soon as I try to dvi the file, it
complains of a babel error. It seems babel is incompatible
with REVTEX (??). Is there any way to stop the use of this
package if you don't need it?

Next, I can try to export to latex. This is OK, since I can
then delete the babel manually, and it works fine. But, if
I re-import it - same problem but worse, since the figures
won't re-import correctly.

I mentioned this bug before - it is an incompatibility
between the centering syntax which Lyx uses on export
of figures, and the syntax which ReLyx expects. You can't
export and then import figures.

Finally, if I try to change the document class to REVTEX4,
within Lyx, then it is a real mess, with copious Latex
errors reported in the bibliography. I could go back to latex 
- there must be a better way:)

yours, Peter Drummond.

Physics Department, University of Queensland, St Lucia 4072, 
Queensland, Australia. Tel:+61-7-3365-3404  Fax:+61-7-3365-1242
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; www.physics.uq.edu.au/people/drummond

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