On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 05:36:25PM -0600, Fernando Pérez wrote:
> I'm using Lyx 1.1.6fix1 and am encountering the following problem: if I
> create a document which includes other lyx documents using the article
> class, everything is fine. But if I change the "master document" layout to
> be book or Thesis (University of Colorado's thesis, specifically), the
> included files vanish! That is, the "include" gray boxes are still present
> in the lyx document, but when a latex file is produced (either
> automatically for making the PostScript or explicitly by Latex Export), the
> \include{file} lines are simply not there! As far as I can tell this is a
> lyx bug, can anyone confirm and suggest solutions?

Currently, the documentclass of the master file should be equal to the
documentclass of the included files.

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