On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:56:51PM +0200, Adolfo Pachón wrote:
> a) If I Export Lyx to Latex and try "latex2rtf my_tex_file.tex", system
> says: ERROR ...-> and no RTF file is obtained.
> b) If I delete the lines about Lyx in the exported .tex file,..., I OBTAIN
> Can someone explain to me this?

The does a bad job of parsing the tex file.
Try updating your version of latex2rtf (get the latest version from

> Can someone suggest to me the most efficient method (or program) for the
> conversion from Lyx to RTF, or from Latex to RTF?

You can either use latex2rtf or ltx2rtf (ftp://ftp.lps.u-psud.fr/pub/ltx2rtf/)
I did some testing and ltx2rtf seems to work better.

Note that if your purpose is to create a file that is readable by MSWord,
you can just create a HTML file.

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