On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 09:27:13AM -0700, Michelle Dukich wrote:
> After some difficulty, I got harvard sty to be
> recognized in my latex preamble.  But with
> \usepackage{harvard} in the preamble, when Lyx
> compiles  to dvi, I get errors in most (but NOT all)
> of the sentences where there are citation references. 
> The errors say "undefined control sequence" and then
> show part of the \cite command.  (I inserted the cite
> refs with the popup box, not with latex) when I
> comment out the \usepackage{harvard}, the errors go
> away, but the citation style isn't very nice.
> help?  Thanks! in advance 

You need to change the bibliography style (by pressing on the 
"Bibtex Generated References" inset, and changing the style field)
to one of the styles that comes with harvard, namely agsm, dcu, jmr, etc.

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