I had this problem before and searched the internet.. I remember that I
found a solution and added it to the end of my IEEEtran.cls file. Please
see the attachment. You will make use of it like below (this is how I
could end one of my papers). In this example "gunes" and "tian" are *.eps
files. You give the filenames as a parameter after {biography}. Pay
attention to the size of your photograph. (should be 25mmx32mm).. I hope
this will be useful

{A. G{\"u}ne{\c s} Koru}
 received a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering degree from Ege University,
Izmir, Tur key in 1996 and a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering degree from
Dokuz Eylul University in 1998. Currently, he is in the Ph.D. in Computer
Science program in Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. He is also
expecting a M.Sc. degree in Software Engineer ing from SMU. His research
interests include software reliability engineering, software testing and
quality assurance, software architecture, and software design.

{Dr. Jeff Tian} 
My advisor. 


A. Gunes Koru

Research Assistant, Ph.D. Student

Southern Methodist University
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Science and Information Building Room 317
Dallas, TX 75205

Home: 214 691 5633
Work: 214 768 2005
Cell: 214 893 7311


On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, morten wrote:

> hi
> I have solved my IEEE template problem by downloading a ieee class file from
> the internet.
> Now my problem is how to insert the personal images. At the end of the article
> there is room for some kind of "who am I" entry, along with an image. But how
> do I bind an image to this blank rectangle?
> mo 
> -- 
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: morten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 28-Jun-2001
> Time: 19:00:26
> Currently working hard for the LAI at INSA-lyon
> ----------------------------------
%%I added a minor change to the Biography section. May 2, 2001, Dallas, TX. 
%%It takes the photo 25mmx32mm as a parameter
%%A. Gunes Koru
%% IEEEtran.cls
%% (hopefully) minor changes for \LaTeXe
%% by Peter N"uchter (!PN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%% all changes marked with !PN
%% WARNING: math font problems and workaround:
%%          Standard math commands like
%%              $\mathbf{N}(0,P(0))$
%%          will not work properly. The reason is, that this is
%%          a simple hack of an old LaTeX2.09 style files.
%%          To get it running, I used the packages
%%              'rawfonts' and 'oldlfont'
%%          They are responsible for the font problems.
%%          This is a known feature, see
%%              http://www.tex.ac.uk/CTAN/latex/bugs.html
%%      Use an additional pair of braces, like
%%      {\mathbf{y}}
%%      to introduce an additional level of scope.
%%      Examples:
%%              $\mathbf{N}(0,P(0))$ but ${\mathbf{N}}(0,P(0))$
%%              $\mathcal{N}(0,P(0))$ but ${\mathcal{N}}(0,P(0))$
%%              $\mathcal{G}_{t}$ but ${\mathcal{G}}_{t}$
%%              $\mathfrak{G}_t$ but ${\mathfrak{G}}_t$
%% Changes: 10.01.1996
%%      \@maxsep removed
%%      \@dblmaxsep removed
%%      \typeout{Upgraded to `IEEEtran.cls' <10-Jan.-1996>.} added
%%      \usepackage{rawfonts} added
%%      \usepackage{oldlfont} added
%%      \renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont} added
%%      \AtBeginDocument{\parindent1.0em} added
%% Changes: 14.05.1996
%%      \setlength - bock added.
%%      \renewcommand{\normalsize}{... hopefully fixed!
%%      \topsep defs inserted at pointsize declarations
%%         ^^-- this is a little bit tricky. I fiddled around until
%%              I nearly obtained the same result as with LaTeX209.
%%              I think we can live with that now?
%% Changes: 1.5.1997
%%      Inclusion of math-font-problem-section on top of this file!
%% Resulting Differenzes between \LaTeX209 and \LaTeX:
%%      Slightly different formatting.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  IEEEtran.sty  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% ===========================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
%%%    author          = "Gerry Murray and Silvano Balemi",
%%%    version         = "2.5.4",
%%%    date            = "30-August-1993",
%%%    filename        = "IEEEtran.sty",
%%%    address         = "Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland"
%%%    email           = "[EMAIL PROTECTED],
%%%    keywords        = "LaTeX, IEEE Transactions, publisher style",
%%%    mainserver      = "via E-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ",
%%%    docstring       = "This is a LaTeX style file for preparation
%%%                       of submission and final versions of articles
%%%                       to be published in IEEE Transactions.
%%%                       The default font size is 10 points but 9pt,
%%%                       11pt and 12pt are available too.
%%%                        Usage:
%%%                         \documentstyle[..,Xpt,twoside]{IEEEtran}
%%%                         \author{..}
%%%                         \title{..}
%%%                         \maketitle
%%%                         \begin{abstract}...\end{abstract}
%%%                         \begin{keywords}...\end{keywords}
%%%                         ...
%%%                         \begin{biography}{Author's name}...\end{biography}
%%%                         \end{document}
%%%                        The command "\markboth{leftTEXT}{rightTEXT}"
%%%                       puts the text "leftTEXT" and "rightTEXT"
%%%                       with the page number on the even resp. odd
%%%                       headers when the "twoside" option is selected.
%%%                       (Attention: header of title page is
%%%                       always "leftTEXT" as it bears the journal name).
%%%                       In order to remove headers, insert
%%%                          \thispagestyle{empty}\pagestyle{empty} or
%%%                          \thispagestyle{plain}\pagestyle{plain}
%%%                       right after the \maketitle command!!
%%%                       See also IEEE.bst and IEEEsample.tex",
%%%  }
%%% ===========================================================================
\typeout{Document Style `IEEEtran' <30-August-1993>.}
\typeout{Upgraded to `IEEEtran.cls' <10-Jan.-1996> !PN}
\typeout{Rev. <15-May.-1996> !PN}

\usepackage{rawfonts} %!PN
\usepackage{oldlfont} %!PN
%!PN, 14.05.96 \renewcommand{\normalsize}{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont} %!PN
% this always resulted in a 10pt doc ....., sorry
\renewcommand{\normalsize}{\@normalsize} %!PN

\AtBeginDocument{\parindent1.0em} %!PN

%% define new needed boolean variables
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\newif\if@technote      \@technotefalse

\@namedef{ds@twoside}{\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue}
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\@namedef{ds@technote}{\global\@technotetrue}  % sets variable for techn. note
%% the file twocolumn.sty is not read as it changes \textwidth.
%% Next line sets @tmptwocolumn to true which lets later execute \twocolumn
\@namedef{ds@twocolumn}{\global\@tmptwocolumntrue }

%%%%% \input IEEE\@ptsize.sty\relax  %%%% FONT DEFINITION BELOW (NO FILE READ)

%% change sizes and margins
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%% see further below for lists

%% FONT DEFINITION: avoids having to read in font files.
%% Check if we have selected 9 points
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%% Check if we have selected 10 points
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%% Check if we have selected 11 points
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\topsep \belowdisplayshortskip%!PN
%% Check if we have selected 12 points
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\abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus3pt\belowdisplayshortskip .6em plus4pt minus4pt
\topsep \belowdisplayshortskip%!PN

%% Definitions for PARAGRAPHS
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\belowdisplayshortskip  0pt plus3pt minus3pt%

%% Definitions for LISTS

%% Change aspect of lists with
%% 1) \itemindent,  label indentation  wrt to left list margin
%% 2) \leftmargini, the indentation of the whole list (on left, first level)
\itemindent        -1em
\leftmargini        2em
%\itemindent         2em  % Alternative values: sometimes used..
%\leftmargini        0em
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\leftmarginiv     1.5em
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\leftmarginvi     1.0em
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    \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep    \topsep \z@}
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\def\labelenumii{(\theenumii)}  \def\theenumii{\alph{enumii}}
\def\labelenumiii{\theenumiii.} \def\theenumiii{\roman{enumiii}}
\def\labelenumiv{\theenumiv.}   \def\theenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}}

\def\labelitemii{\bf --}

%% \itemindent is set to \z@ by list, so define new temporary variable
    \list{}{\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -1.5em \listparindent \itemindent
    \rightmargin\leftmargin\advance\leftmargin 1.5em}\item[]}
\def\quotation{\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em \itemindent\listparindent
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\def\enumerate{\tmpitemindent\itemindent\ifnum \@enumdepth >3 \@toodeep\else
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    \list{\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname}{\itemindent\tmpitemindent
\def\itemize{\tmpitemindent\itemindent\ifnum \@itemdepth >3 \@toodeep\else

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\def\endtitlepage{\if@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage \fi}

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\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent .8em\indent$^{\@thefnmark}$#1}





\def\@tocrmarg {2.55em}

\def\l@section#1#2{\addpenalty{\@secpenalty} \addvspace{1.0em plus 1pt}
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    \parfillskip-\@pnumwidth \bf\leavevmode #1\hfil\hbox to\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}
    \par \endgroup}
\def\listoffigures{\section*{List of Figures}\@starttoc{lof}}
\def\listoftables{\section*{List of Tables}\@starttoc{lot}}

%% Definitions for floats
%% Normal Floats                      %% Double Column Floats
\floatsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt     \dblfloatsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
\textfloatsep 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt \dbltextfloatsep 20pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
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\intextsep 12pt plus 2pt minus 2pt

%% redefine CAPTION

\long\def\@caption#1[#2]#3{\par\addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{%
   \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}
   \begingroup \@parboxrestore \normalsize
     \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}{#1}\par


    \vskip 5pt
    \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\small #1.~ #2}
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       \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\small #1.~ }
       \setlength\captionindent{\wd\@tempboxa} \divide\captionindent by 2
       \parbox[t]{\hsize}{\small \hangindent \captionindent \hangafter=1%
    \else \hbox to\hsize{\small\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}
    \begin{center}{\small #1}\\{\small\sc #2}\end{center}
    \vskip 8pt


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%% Defines the command for putting the header. footernote{TEXT} is the same
%% as markboth{TEXT}{TEXT}. Here for compatibility with other style files.

    January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
    July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
    \space\number\day, \number\year}

%% separate citations with "], ["
\def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do {\@citea\def\@citea{],
[}\@ifundefined {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning {Citation `\@citeb' on
page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}

\def\@cite#1#2{[{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}]}

%% Allow short (name-less) citations, when used in conjunction with a
%% bibliography style that creates labels like \citename{, }

    \advance\leftmargin\labelsep \itemsep 0pt plus .5pt
    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}

%% appendix command for one single appendix
    \def\thesection{\Alph{section}} \section*{Appendix}
%% appendices command for multiple appendicies
    \def\thesection{\Alph{section}} \section*{Appendices}

  \def\thefootnote{} % the \thanks{} mark type is empty
        \newpage\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle
  \else\newpage\global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle \fi
  \if@draftversion \vfil\mbox{}\newpage\fi

      {\bf\@title\par}\vskip 1.3em{\lineskip .5em\@author\par}
    \end{center}\par\vskip 1.4em}

      \small\it Abstract\/\bf---$\!$%
      \begin{center}\vspace{-0.8em}\small\bf Abstract\end{center}\quotation\small

      \small\it Keywords\/\bf---$\!$%
      \begin{center}\small\bf Keywords\end{center}\quotation\small

%% FIX numbering of sections.
\gdef\@punct{.\ \ }  % Punctuation after run-in section heading
  \ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth
     \ifnum #2=1\Roman{#1}.\fi\ifnum #2=2\Alph{#1}.\fi
     \ifnum #2>2{\csname the#1dis\endcsname}\if@technote.\fi\fi \hskip .5em}
  \@tempskipa #5\relax
  \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
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       \@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}
     \csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}
     \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth\else
          \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi#7}
     \def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\@svsec #8\@punct\csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}
     \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
          \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi#7}}

\def\@ssect#1#2#3#4#5{\@tempskipa #3\relax
  \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
     \begingroup #4\@hangfrom{\hskip #1}{\interlinepenalty \@M #5\par}\endgroup
  \else \def\@svsechd{#4\hskip #1\relax #5\@punct}\fi

\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{2.0ex plus .5ex
     minus .2ex}{1.0ex plus .2ex}{\centering\sc}}
\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{2.0ex plus .5ex
     minus .2ex}{1.0ex plus .2ex}{\it}}
  \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{2.0ex plus .5ex
     minus .1ex}{0pt}{\it}}
  \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{2.0ex plus .5ex
     minus .2ex}{1.0ex plus .2ex}{\rm}}
  \def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{1.0ex plus .5ex
     minus .2ex}{0ex}{\rm}}

\def\proof{\noindent\hspace{2em}{\it Proof: }}
\def\@begintheorem#1#2{\tmpitemindent\itemindent\topsep 0pt\rm\trivlist
    \item[\hskip \labelsep{\indent\it #1\ #2:}]\itemindent\tmpitemindent}
\def\@opargbegintheorem#1#2#3{\tmpitemindent\itemindent\topsep 0pt\rm \trivlist
    \item[\hskip\labelsep{\indent\it #1\ #2\ \rm(#3)}]\itemindent\tmpitemindent}

%% sets up default PAGESTYLE

\if@tmptwocolumn \twocolumn \sloppy \flushbottom \fi
\if@draftversion \def\baselinestretch{1.5}\fi

%% Definition for Big letter at the beginning of a paragraph
    \setbox2=\hbox{\uppercase{#2} }\newdimen\tmpht \tmpht \ht2
    \advance\tmpht by \baselineskip\font\hhuge=cmr10 at \tmpht
    \setbox1=\hbox{{\hhuge #1}}
    \count7=\tmpht \count8=\ht1\divide\count8 by 1000 \divide\count7 by\count8
    \tmpht=.001\tmpht\multiply\tmpht by \count7\font\hhuge=cmr10 at \tmpht
    \setbox1=\hbox{{\hhuge #1}} \noindent \hangindent1.05\wd1
    \hangafter=-2 {\hskip-\hangindent \lower1\ht1\hbox{\raise1.0\ht2\copy1}%

\if@technote\def\PARstart#1#2{#1#2}\fi     % if technical note, disable it
\if@draftversion\def\PARstart#1#2{#1#2}\fi % if draft, disable it

%% Allows to enter BIOGRAPHY leaving place for picture (adapts to font size)
\newenvironment{biography}[2]{% % !AC
\footnotesize\unitlength 1mm\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip\parskip=0pt\par%
\rule{0pt}{39mm}\vspace{-39mm}\par%   garantees correct page breaking
\noindent\setbox0\hbox{\resizebox{25mm}{32mm}{\includegraphics[]{#1.eps}}}% picture % 
\ht0=37mm\count10=\ht0\divide\count10 by\baselineskip%  calculates lines
\hskip-28.5mm\setbox0\hbox to 28.5mm {\raise-30.5mm\box0\hss}%
\dp0=0mm\ht0=0mm\box0\noindent\bf#2\rm}{ % !AC

\endinput %!PN

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