
You will find, attached to this mail, a sample of a table.
The problem is for the:

- \bottomrule[2pt] command (where do I put this command ?)
- junction between horizontal lines and vertical lines.

Your sincerely,


Yann Collete wrote:
- I want to draw two bold horizontal lines in a table:
- The first one is the first top line of the table
- The second one is the last bottom line of the table
- I use the following latex commands: \toprule[2pt] and
- \bottomrule[2pt].
- It nearly works for the top line (I will explain later what is the problem)
- but it doesn't work for the last line. I tried to put the latex command
- in the last cell, out of the table but it doesn't work.
- For the first line, the bold line is drawn as I wanted but the connections
- between the horizontal line and the vertical lines are not correct.
- What can I do to have connected lines.

can you give a short example file with your table?



<LI><STRONG><a name="12831" href="msg12831.html">bold horizontal line in 
<UL><LI><EM>From:</EM> Yann Collete</LI></UL></LI>
<table width="90%">

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