"Christopher M. Jones" wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken, a sty would go in the latex, not the bibtex tree. But I
> doubt that makes a diff to your problem. The way I understand it, a sty would
> handle formatting the citations--author/date parenthetical, etc.--in the
> document itself. The sty is included in the preamble (\usepackage{mla}). But
> this doesn't get you a bibliography. A bst is required for creation of the
> bibliography, and is invoked from the \bibliographystyle{} command.
> So barring more informed advice, look for the mla.bst and get that installed.

Sorry, I meant to say "mla.bst" not "mla.sty"!  What I need to know is
what else I need to do other than sticking it in the tree.

Tried texhash, but all I got was a bunch of error messages caused by LyX
interpreting my citations as LaTeX commands.


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