Hi all,

I need a document with all fonts the same size, i.e. "normal". I don't 
want to change the font size in all "paragraph", "section" etc. 
manually. The font should still be boldface. Can one do this in the 
latex preable, for example? Or need I make a new layout (which, BTW, I 
don't know how to do -- the docs on the issue are frightening! :) The 
document is a koma-report. LyX is current, as well as tetex.


|  Juha Siltala         |  Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  Maahisentie 2K B52   |  Tel : +358  8 554 3591            |
|  90550 Oulu, Finland  |  GSM : +358 40 718 4743            |

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