On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 11:24:49AM -0300, Ralph Boland wrote:
>   I want to create two versions of my slides.  I want to create a fake color,
>   say  pink,  that is not a foiltex color.
>   In one version of my slides the pink text  is white.  (the slide version)
>   In the other version the pink text is another color (say green).
>   (the paper version).  This would allow me to print out a paper
>   version of my slides containing information that I can see but
>   is not on the slides without having to maintain two documents.
>   I want to define a macro or something like that so
>   that by modifying the macro I can set whether or not
>   the "pink" text is green or white.


>   Note: I have tried using prosper but have had numberous problems.
>   Is there documenation on proper installation of prosper;
>   what software and versions of software are needed etc?

1. Install prosper.  Untar it in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/prosper or
   something like that.
2. run texhash
3. Get http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~dekelts/slides/cluster.tar.gz
4. Copy *.inc *.layout from cluster.tar.gz to ~/.lyx/layouts
5. Run lyx and "Edit --> Reconfigure"
6. run lyx cluster.lyx and do "File->View->PDF"

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