I did not find an answer in the documents:
The publisher wants the size of the body text 12*18.5cm, DINA4.
DINA4 is 21*29.7, therefore I set in document>layout>paper
papersize A4
margins top 6.2cm (29.7-18.5=11.2-5cm for bottom)
            bottom 5cm
            left4.5cm (21-12=9 >/2)
However, running ps the body text size is 14.8*21 resp. 23, if page number is 
Since in the user guide it is mentioned, that the geometry package should be 
used in these cases, I did so. However, the result is worse (17*23cm resp 
25.5cm with page number).
Any idea what I should do?

Another question: 
The publisher (Kluwer) wants unfortunately .doc files (although there is a 
kluwer style for latex). I export the lyx file to html and import it in word. 
Itīs ok except that the footnotes are not treated adaquately. It would safe 
some time if there is a way out. Is there?

Thanks again

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