
You can do all of these things and many more by using the package natbib.

If you haven't got it installed, install it.
At the end of your document where you have your BibTeX Generated References, 
use the style plainnat . The plainnat.bst file comes with natbib and can be 
used to replace the plain.bst file.

Then to use the package you just put in your preamble

The only complication is that you can't utilise all the features of natbib by 
just using Insert --> Citation Reference. (I believe that in LyX 1.2 more 
natbib features are supported in this way)

If you do Insert --> Citation Reference, you will get 
Jones et al. (1990)  (I believe this is one of the options you wanted)

If you would like some other options you need to use a bit of ERT. At the 
point in your document where you would like your reference, instead of doing 
Insert --> Citation Reference, type in ERT;

\citet {jon90}   (where jon90 is they key in your references database) and 
you will get the same style as above

\citep{jon90} and you will get " (Jones et al.,1990) "

\citealt{jon90} and you will get  " Jones et al. 1990 " (the second option 
you wanted )

Natbib is very powerful, and there are hundreds of options. I suggest 
printing out the documentation that comes with natbib, and they are fairly 
easy to work out from that.

I hope this has been of some help


On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:10:am, Guido Milanese wrote:
> This is slightly OT, and in fact I posted this question to the TeX
> list, but i had no answer -- that's why i take the liberty to ask
> this question here.
> I am looking for a BibTeX style of the author-date type, but with no
> parenthesis added before and after the entry. I tried also the
> authordate series, but the problem remains.
> The format should be as such:
> noticed by Wright:1992 and by Maltby:1991.
> or
> noticed by Wright (1992) and by Maltby (1991).
> but not as follows:
> noticed by (Wright:1992) and by (Maltby:1991).
> Thank you very much.
> gm
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italia
> Homepage:
> + + + + + + NON NOBIS DOMINE + + + + + + +
> ----------------------------------

Nick Burgan
Postgraduate Student

Active Noise and Vibration Control Group
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Adelaide
SA 5005

Phone: +61 (0)8 8303 6385
Fax:     +61 (0)8 8303 4367

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