
I now have citations almost working for my thesis, with one
minor problem: using apalike style, all the journals that aren't
abbreviated (e.g., Science, Nature, Gene) get commas between the
journal name and the volume:

        Science, 256 (5057), 622-7.

In contrast, when the name is abbreviated, all is well:

        J. Mol. Evol. 42 (2), 183-93.

I am using the following packages:

I have put the changes suggested in the chapterbib documentation into
a copy of the apalike style, called myapalike.

The document class is my university's thesis style, based on amsbook.

I know this isn't really a lyx problem, but ... any clues?

Thanks for your thoughts.

-- Will
Will Fischer
Biology Department                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Indiana University                      Lab:    812-855-2549
Jordan Hall 142                         FAX:    812-855-6705 
1001 E. Third Street                   
Bloomington, IN  47405-3700 USA

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