Yann> Hello, I am currently writing a document using the article
Yann> class. I want to change the bullet's shape using the popup
Yann> dialog (layout->document->bullet) When I select a bullet, it as
Yann> no effect on the shape of bullets in the document when viewing
Yann> with ghostview or xdvi. When I Export the document to latex, I
Yann> can see the following latex code in the preamble:
Yann> \makeatother \AtBeginDocument{
Yann> \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\(\ast\)}
Yann> \renewcommand{\labelitemii}{\(\ast\)}
Yann> \renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{\(\ast\)} }
Yann> But it doesn't have any effect on the shape of bullets. I am
Yann> using lyx-1.1.6fix3 with tetex-1.0.?.
>>  Are you using a french style? They tend to redefine bullets behind
>> one's back. Look for a macro to stop list redefinitions.
>> JMarc

Yann> Yes, I am using a french style. Where can I find this macro ? I
Yann> the french babel class, in the article class ?

Looking at the docs, I would try to add
in the preamble.




It doesn't work. Finally, in find the doc and I see they recommand to use
This command works but not for the first level of item.
It tried french language and frenchb.
Nothing about this in the doc. I will ask about this on the usenet tex mailing 

Thanks for your help.


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