This seems like a silly question, but I've run up against the
problem frequently enough that I thought I'd better stop and
ask the experts.  When I have a plain text document, let's
call it "foo.txt" that I want to convert to Lyx, say, "foo.lyx"
here's what I've been doing:

Create a new document, naming it "foo" (LyX creates "foo.lyx" as
Try to import the text from foo.txt, via File->Import->ASCII text as ...
At this point, the filename in LyX changes to "foo.txt" with
the text in question on the screen, and the entire file "selected."
The text is not, at this point, actually "imported" to foo.lyx, though LyX
thinks both foo.txt and foo.lyx have changed.

I can Edit->Copy in foo.txt, then switch back to foo.lyx through the
Documents menu, and Edit->Paste.  

Is this really the Import procedure?  Oftentimes, I've merrily begun
editing after doing the File->Import step, only to realize I was
making changes to foo.txt (now known as foo.txt.lyx), and hadn't
actually got the text into foo.lyx.  Is there a more straightforward
procedure I should be using?



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