On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

> - use labels without space
> - longtable has its own counter
>    see http://www.lyx.org/help/table/longtable.phtml#caption
>    this occurs problems in counting.
> - don't use longtable in a float, because floats can't have
>    pagebreak. use package nonfloat, if you need the caption

I have 3 pages longtable. Is it possible to add a table caption in 2nd and
the 3rd page table not in the table cell? I have tried to insert the
following table caption in the cell as a header and first header:

\centerline{Table \stepcounter{table}\thetable: electrum-kc.csv}

the result is the number of table starting with 2 (instead of 1). Both of
the 2nd and 3rd page have the same number. Is there any trick to change
it? I don't know why the number is starting with 2...

Thank in advanced.



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