>Hello =) I have a few questions I'd like to ask. I'll start shooting.
>1) I just installed the cmpsfont port (Computer Modern PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 
>format)) hoping new and good looking fonts would appear in LyX. It doesn't seem like 
>it though -- does anyone know what I could do?
Are you talking about the screen display here? LyX should be able to 
handle any X fonts, assuming that the font in question has characters 
for the face etc. that you have selected.  Look at something like 
xfontsel to check the parameters.  Remember this has no effect on the 
printed output.

>2) The previous question was an attempt to load better, more beautiful and 
>more modern fonts into LyX than the ones already available. Why won't LyX
>recognize and allow me to use all of my X fonts? The same goes for GIMP by the
>way, not all are available.
If you're talking about the fonts used for printing, LyX only displays a 
limited set of fonts in the Layout->Document menu (later versions may 
give you more).  However, since it's primarily a frontend to LaTeX, you 
can tell it to use any font which is installed in TeX - you just have to 
tell it to do so explicitly in LaTeX code.  I posted a guide on this 
subject on the lyx documentation list some time back, but unfortunately 
it's unreadable unless you've upgraded to the (unstable) 1.2 version.

By default, LyX uses the Computer Modern fonts included in any standard 
LaTeX distribution.  IMHO, these look the best for most printing 
purposes, though you should probably choose pslatex if you want to make 
PDF documents (see long threads on this subject in the archives!). If 
you want something really pretty, put \usepackage{pandora} in your preamble!

>3) Could anyone with a decent experience with LyX show me examples of really
>professional work? I'm really into this whole LyX thing, I believe it'll do
>wonders for me next semester in school. If anyone know of any hot templates
>and fonts as well, it would sincerely be appreciated. 
To get an idea of what LyX can do typesetting-wise, just print out some 
of the Help pages (e.g. Chapter 5 of Extended Features).  One of the 
virtues of LyX, though, is that even the simplest document will look 
"really professional" when printed out (even if it looks pig-ugly on the 


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