Jamie Faunt wrote:

> On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:
> I would figure not needed if defined in doc-pagestyle?


> So I gather that the default footrulewidth for fancy is 0pt and this would
> add the footruler. That's cool.

the default depends to the used textclass, because some define
their own default. So it's secure to write it anyway in the

> I've tried this now, and also re-read the fancy header section of extended
> features. Your example works for me as long as there's a title. But if
> there isn't a title, I see that the regular headers and footers start on
> the first page. And \cfoot will replace the default page number after the
> first page with a title, or from the first page without. OKay.

plain pagestyle is only for title/part/chapterpages. all others
have the default pagestyle which you can define with for example:




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