
When composing documents in LyX using both English and Hebrew, I sometimes 
get the following error while trying to output a DVI:
##### quoting from log file #######
! LaTeX Error: Command \dh unavailable in encoding LHE.
#### end of log file quote ########

These messages are very hard to get rid of, and there seems to be nothing 
wrong with the underlying LyX file.

Another error, appearing for the same document, is
##### quoting from log file #######
! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
l.122 }
       , \R{&tet;&shin;&pe;} should thus be its antonym - the plain reading%
I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think
you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.

LaTeX Warning: Command \o invalid in math mode on input line 122.
#### end of log file quote ########

I am using LyX 1.1.6fix4-rh7.0 binaries that are from the lyx.org 
ftp server, and the Hebrew packages Dekel Tzur put together, namely 
tetex-latex-heb*-1.1.0-4. My TeX version is 1.0.7-38.2, and English only as 
well as Hebrew only documents produce fine LaTeX. I created a small document 
that causes these errors, and will gladly forward it to anybody who thinks he 
may explain the problem (or better, fix it ;-)). I also kept the log file, 
which I can forward as well.

Any ideas? 

Arie Folger
It is absurd to seek to give an account of the matter to a man 
who cannot himself give an account of anything; for insofar as
he is already like this, such a man is no better than a vegetable.
           -- Book IV of Aristotle's Metaphysics

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