
RevTex is the LaTeX flavor developed by the physics
community. It does support a bibliography; by default,
the bibliography corresponds to the style for physics
journals like Physical Review A, Physical Review B
(prb), etc. None of these correspond to what I am
looking for.

Since RevTex uses natbib, which is quite capable of
providing the references in the format I am seeking, I
thought there must be a way of getting it to work.


--- Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Atul Narang wrote:
> > If I use \bibliographystyle{plain} in the
> preamble, I
> > get a series of errors. If I say plain in the box
> > "BibTex Generated References", nothing happens -
> the
> > default RevTex format persists.
> are you sure, that RevTex supports a bibliography?
> Herbert
> -- 
> http://www.lyx.org/help/

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