Alexander Volovics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 07:33:21AM -0500, Ronald Florence wrote:
>> Juergen Fenn writes:
>>   I just would like to ask everyone on the list whether you would be
>>   interested in setting up a newsgroup for LyX instead of or besides the
>>   lyx-users mailing list. 
>> I would much prefer a newsgroup to the list.  
| Every once in a while somebody comes up with the newsgroup idea.
| Please do not start it again.
| A mailing list is much more direct and comfortable.
| I do not want a newsgroup.
| I am quite content with this mailing list.

As said  we can have both and have a gateway between them. Then those
who like the newsgroup use that, the others can use the malinglist.


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