On Sat, Apr 06, 2002 at 11:49:49PM -0300, Roberto Hernandez wrote:
> I've been trying to include URLs in bibliography entries using
> \url{}, but I keep getting error messages. The problem is
> definitely related to the use of \url{}, because all goes well
> without it. I've also tried \url| | (instead of the {}), but
> that failed too.

Have you put '\usepackage{url}' in your Layout/LaTeX Preamble? It
is put there by LyX automagically, when Insert/URL is used, but
LyX has no way how to know that you use it in BibTeX.


138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
understand, v.:
        To reach a point, in your investigation of some subject,
        at which you cease to examine what is really present, and
        operate on the basis of your own internal model instead.

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