On 06 May 2002 16:32:50 -0300 wrote Vinicius Provenzano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello all,
> I'm wondering about LyX features, and may be my question is answered in
> some piece of documentation I couldn't reach. Well, there is a project
> to develop a LaTex Class to write thesis in the Brazilian ABNT layout.
> In partnership with it there is also a bibtex file to process references
> in Abnt style too. Is it possible to easely integrate these to LyX, so I
> can use LyX as my choice program to work in my thesis?

Well, it is not as easy as just going to a menu and set LyX to ABNT --- at
least not the first time. You need to write a LyX ABNT.layout file that
matches the ABNT.cls and "explains" it to LyX. 

The "Extended" guide (available from the LyX help menu and hence easily
reachable) will tell you how to do this. Also, there
are already a lot of *.layout files in the (surprise) $LYXDIR$/layout/
directory, that could serve as example. Once your started writing LyX
layouts you will find it fairly easy (at least with some general programming

If you manage (or find someone who does), don't forget to contribute the
result to the lyx developers -- then it could be made available on the
"contributions" section of the Lyx ftp-server.

Good luck



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