I have tried.

At first it did't help until I modified my custom latex->dvi conversion script.
I added aditional latex run before bibtex run, then it worked. But the result
is different:  with 1.16, I have both numerical key and the bibtex key shown in
the bibliography section, but only the numerical key shown with 1.20.  All the
citation in the text are the same for both versions. This is quite strange
since in both cases, I use only the drftcite package.

My latex-dvi script looks like this now:

/usr/bin/latex $1
/usr/bin/latex $1
/home/max/bin/bibtex $1
/usr/bin/latex $1
/usr/bin/latex $1
/usr/bin/latex $1

Thank you.


--- Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 07:57:38PM -0400, Max Bian wrote:
> > 
> > LyX 1.20 looks great, but I cannot get it to render my stuff right. I 
> > read the upgrading and readme in the package, but I don't think my 
> > problem is related.  And I have sent Mr. Voss examples showing my other 
> > problems.  However the file renders correctly on his computer but not on 
> > mine.  What can be the difference?  I would guess a bad latex 
> > installation, but  my other stuff works just fine...
> Does putting \usepackage{babel} at the top of the preamble helps ?
> Please send the latex files generated by lyx 1.1.6 & 1.2.0 (send a minimal
> file!).

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