On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:25:48PM +0100, Milos Komarcevic wrote:
> >Insert -> Maths -> AMS ***
> >
> > features which I assumed would let me do the same thing, (except with
> a 
> >nice gui) but when I used it, it said "command-disabled"
> >
> >how do I enable it, or isn't it finished yet??
> I can do all the available AMS math environments from the menu
> "Insert -> Math -> AMS *align*"... (on RHL 7.3 and Win32/Cygwin)
> Do you have the amsmath Latex package? You maybe need to run
> configure so LyX can pick it up?
> I prefer the output of AMS multline, but you have to resort to ERT for
> that (this would be a nice addition for future LyX releases!).

Lyx 1.2.0 does support the multline environment, you just don't have
a menu for it (as math-mutate doesn't support it).
You can try the following:
Type \begin{multline}\end{multline} in LyX (not in math mode!),
highlight this text, and press ctrl+m (or the key you use to go into math

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