        I might be missing some really obvious configuration option, but I 
thought I'd ask anyway :)

        I am writing my thesis and a number of other documents. These have a 
large number of images, in most cases they are plots produced with 
gnuplot and exported as ps files. The syntax I use in gnuplot is
set term postscript enhanced color "Helvetica" 18

        This is fine, but for a couple of annoyances:
(i) The plots are large, and need to be re-scaled to a reasonable size. 
At present, this means trial and error choosing of the scaling. is 
there a way to automate this? Also, some guidance as to how to get a 
readable font (other than using psfrag) automatically would be much 

(ii) All figures need to be rotated by -90 degrees. Again, another 
inconvenience. Anywhere where this can be set as a default? Also, in 
the PDFs produced with pdflatex, the images are not rotated. Note that 
changing the rotation changes the scaling of the latex representation 
of the image!!!

(iii) An automatic caption environment would be most appreciated. i am 
restoring to adding the caption manually.

        All the above are minor nuisances, which might have to do with  the 
configuration of Lyx. However, I noted that I spent most of my Lyx time 
fumbling about with images and tables and the such. Should I now move 
on to EEPIC?

        Many thanks,
José L Gómez Dans                       PhD student
Tel: +44 114 222 5582                   Radar & Communications Group
FAX; +44 870 132 2990                   Department of Electronic Engineering
                                        University of Sheffield UK

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